2009 Property Assessment Course of Action

1. Appraised values are dated July 1, 2008 — The appraised values are at the height of the real estate bubble and were changed by an administrative rule instead of using the established statutory date.

2. National Appraisal Guides on value shows widespread manipulation of established valuation methods and arbitrary valuation methods.

3. Arbitrary reclassifications of property to maximize taxable value.

4. Land, ranch and agricultural property, business property and mobile homes are specifically targeted. Valuations are unrepresentative of current market conditions.

5. Taxable values are duplicated to increase taxable values, facilitating additional funding to counties and local governments without adhering to current funding statutes.

View Patty Lovaas’ letter to Mr. Bucks, the Director of the Montana Department of Revenue here

Join the effort to recall Governor Schweitzer here

What can you do?

File a property tax appeal with the county clerk and recorder on your individual property here.

Contribute to the Legal Action Fund here.

Contact us to place a legal fund collection box in your business or locality.

Download the Extended Property Tax Assistance Program for Individuals and Business Entities (EPTAP) Form 2009 here

Pay your property taxes under protest.  If your taxes are paid by your mortgage company, please note that on the protest form located here

“An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, the power to destroy.” Daniel Webster

All information submitted will be considered personal and confidential. Funds not used for legal purposes will be donated to Montana charitable organizations.